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You searched for: Tag: a lot of energy
    lyubomirb  34, Male, Florida, USA - 44 entries
Aug 2008
11:41 AM EST

a lot of energy

��������� I am burning up. I have been so energetic taking these vitamins. Running around the house dancing to the music and I am still not tired. I can’t even remember how many times I have jumped over the couch. I am concentrating more and I am not giving in to my emotions so easily. I just know I need some sleep since I go to bed at 5 in the morning.

��������� My mom and my sisters left to North Carolina and I am home waiting for my dad to come from work. He is going o give me more chores to do. I have been waling to grocery stores and riding the bike late at night since I am not allowed to drive. I better go finish up on my projects.
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